In 2021 the Stage of Mind (SoM) programme began whose main aim is to offer access to people with psychosocial problems to the field of music theatre, through training and support by specialised professionals. The participants are involved in the design and production of the musical show which will be presented in three countries and three languages. This will contribute to combating the stigma of mental health disorders and will promote the social inclusion of mental health users who will coproduce and present the musical show to the general public.  

The project has a two-year duration (May 2021 – April 2023) and will be implemented by six partners from the field of mental health and art in three countries.

Leader: FUNDACION INTRAS (Spain), Partners: RAYUELA PRODUCCIONES TEATRALES S.L. (Spain), Society of Social Psychiatry P. Sakellaropoulos (Greece), Αngels of Joy (Greece), Housing Association for Integrated Living (Ireland), SMASHING TIMES THEATRE COMPANY LIMITED (Ireland).

The Prorgamme is implemented at the Central Office and the Prefecture of Attica

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