National Strategic Reference Framework Programmes (ΕSPA)
The SSP P. Sakellaropoulos implements two programmes of the National Strategic Reference Programmes 2014-2020 (ESPA) within the framework of the Sectoral Design for the Development of Mental Health Units of the Mental Health Department of the Ministry of Health.
Comprehensive Therapy in the Community (Fokida Prefecture) and Development of Child Psychiatric Services of the Operational Programme for Central Greece, Priority Axis 10: Promotion of Social Inclusion and Combating Poverty – ESF (Start: September 2019). In 2021 the Programme offered services to 203 beneficiaries and implemented 4.145 therapeutic activities.
Development of child psychiatric services through the enhancement of the Mobile Mental Health Unit of the Prefecture of Evros of the SSP P. Sakellaropoulos. This project is implemented within the framework of the Priority Axis “Human Resources and Social Cohesion – ESF” of the Operational Programmes of Eastern Macedonia-Thrace. In 2021 the Programme offered services to 116 beneficiaries and implemented 2.235 therapeutic activities.